Thursday, August 27, 2009

Piaggio Zip Tunnig Step By Step

awoke violently. Took a few seconds to remember where I was. He looked around and on both sides of the road, she recognized the dark plains that both missed. The bus that took him was quite small and uncomfortable for a ride as long as that, but did not have much money and was accustomed to suffering. "The journey is nothing compared to what will come," she thought as noted that, in the distance, the city was emerging on the horizon.

Standing in front of the hotel, revised the small role to ensure that the address was correct. After checking the front, entered. At the counter of the modest inn, a receptionist for about three years, totally blind man said that almost all the rooms were available and that at that time of year, the city was deserted. The old man, surprised by the extreme moderation of the visitor, asked what brought him to town.

- Closing a business - answered.

took the key Room number four and retired in silence. He climbed up an old wooden staircase that seemed to crumble with each step. He stood in front of Gate 4, ready to go, when a woman's laughter from the next room distracted him. Laughter seemed fresh, natural, that surprised him. "I remember that laugh" he said as he went and leaned over the bed.

The place was extremely simple: a bed, a bathroom and a tiny old light table. Inspecting the premises found in a drawer in the bedside table was a Bible, those who used haber en los moteles alejados y perdidos en el tiempo. Miró su reloj. Todavía tenía unos minutos, por lo que decidió tomar la Biblia y abrió una página al azar.

Y viendo Gedeón que era el ángel del señor, dijo: Ah, Señor, he visto el ángel de Jehová cara a cara.

Y Jehová le dijo: Paz á ti; no tengas temor, no morirás.

Quedó dubitativo por unos segundos, las palabras parecieron exasperarlo. Tomó su vieja lapicera, arrancó la hoja y escribió su nombre en el margen superior. Luego dobló el papel y lo colocó en un pocket of his jacket, next to the gun.

Dan is lying on the bed of an old hotel. On his chest, the beautiful Nancy rests her head displaying her long, shiny hair. She is happy, he seems to be. Life had never been fair to either, but that was about to change.

Both are totally absorbed in their thoughts, but somehow connected to the same time, lost, but at the same place. Suddenly, the silence is interrupted by the crack of the stairs. You hear footsteps from the hall.

Dan says something and she laughs.

The door to the room next door is closed.

motions are heard.

Dan gets up and goes to the bathroom.

Nancy, from the bed facing the small window and wonders what will become of the man who left three days ago. Be glad that all this is behind us.

Dan back to bed.

converse few minutes, then shut up.

Silence calms them, unites them.

The next door opens.

next door closes.

Before they could notice the door is knocked and a man standing in front of them, a revolver in his right hand. She screams and Dan manages to carefully take the gun found under her pillow. Nancy fails to recognize the man who brought so much torment and that the more horrifying. The man, with his left hand making paper, unfolded it and says "are the last words I heard"

begins to recite, but can not finish his words, Dan, agile pulls out his revolver and fired twice. Enough.

The gun falls from the hands of the stranger, who stumbles and finally falls to his knees and tries to crawl out of the room. Breathlessly recalls that his hand still has the Bible leaf. Try to read these words again but the force is abandoned.


The body seems to disturb the harmony of the old hall. A sob of a woman is heard faintly causing a surreal scene. Everything returns to normal, everything is as it should have been from the beginning. The dead can be anything. You can be the one writing these words, you read or who read them at another time. However, in the dead leaf that clings fist, read a letter written by a distant, alien to us: Rocky Raccoon.


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