Monday, November 30, 2009
Are Yak Scooter Wheels Good
the manipulations of the Totalitarian try to convince people lying and throwing his shit over those who do not follow their game.
calling for democracy to insult and to offend when no one insulted or offended and were only informed us that the path they have taken is correct. But because they are the guardians of authentic truth, those who dare to go against you have to discredit them as heretics as these may suggest to his followers and that will hinder the path to achieve their aims and interests.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Yesterday Night Or Last Night
Because I believe in democracy and freedom of expression back up this definition, to understand you only have to replace the word state for " Blog "or political party.
"For this form of government can sustain for a certain time is needed tight control of media and the repressive apparatus (police, army, services secret, paramilitary forces, etc.).
In a state totalitarian there is no division of powers, or, if it exists, not a real division because the same group controls everything. A totalitarian state is governed by a person or one party, who after winning fans and get the power, turn the state into a value all, forcing everybody else to bow to its power .
In a totalitarian state the freedom of expression is nonexistent , not respected human rights that interfere with the will of the leaders of the state, and each and every one of the institutions of any kind are controlled by state , and must support it.
totalitarian states in general have a doctrine or set of complete and complex ideological doctrines that try to implement, if necessary by force to all people. As it is impossible to govern without a minimal support from people looking to "convince" people that the only real right is what the state calls, for signs that are used propaganda, means mass communication , it educates children within this system , etc. "
Stratum Article taken from the web /
Friday, November 27, 2009
Why Is My Male Catbleeding?

I believe that this man has every right to defend the world those who try to silence his voice with insults and taunts that do nothing more than really show his talent, does not mean you share their ideology or opinions, but that is democracy, otherwise it is a Totalitarian dictatorship.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Golden West Dental Insurance Review
concretamente 27/09/2008 salia this news on the municipal website.
" CALAFELL Suspend processing urban plans for one year following the approval of the advance THE NEW GENERAL PLAN
Calafell City Council today approved suspended for a period of one In the processing of development plans. This measure, which also affects the plans already approved the execution of which has not been initiated, adopted following the recent approval of the progress of the new Urban Development Plan Municipal (POUM). He said at the plenary session the Deputy Mayor for Planning, Ramón Ferré, "is to avoid processing files that have no vested rights, which may prove to be contradictory with the guidelines established in the advancement of the POUM. "
the next day salia otra this news in the same site.
" 28/08/2008
CALAFELL organized an exhibition to present the progress of the NEW GENERAL PLAN
Calafell City Council launches this September for an activity known to the public the progress of the new Urban Development Plan Municipal (POUM). The acquisition, approved by the full City on July 10, tracing the outlines of the POUM, broken down into six strategic goals and seven major proposals. This exhibition is the first part of a public participation process that will continue for nine months, so gather as much public input. "
After I make my views estas noticias que me gustaria 3 Questions I head someone with the answer for everything that is happening.
do people these days are at war were to be informed that affect the way they set up shop in that area?
what if they did, they decided to continue because they had no permit was suspended all licenses?
what if there were to be informed before the work if not to finish them to complain if the error was theirs?
If it turns out I did everything and gave them permission, go ahead with the fight ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡, but if not look to fix the thing my best and do all possible to resolve the allegations. But if there are no allegations the matter will continue forward and the days go by very quickly and not lose your time and put you to respond.
I understand that people can complain because things change, but with education and foundation ..... win a battle, not by shouting and insults.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Characteristic Of Edward Syndrome
For this form of government can be sustained for some time is needed tight control of media and the repressive apparatus (police, army, secret services, paramilitary forces, etc.).
In a totalitarian state there is no division of powers, or if there is not a real division, since it group controls everything. A totalitarian state is governed by a person or one party, who after winning fans and get the power , turn the state into a value absolute forcing everybody else to bow to its power .
In a totalitarian state the freedom of expression not exist, does not respect human rights that interfere with the will of the leaders of the state, and each and every one of the institutions of any kind are controlled by the state , and must support it.
totalitarian states in general have a doctrine or set of complete and complex ideological doctrines, attempting to implement, if necessary by force to all people. As it is impossible to govern without a minimal support from people looking to "convince" people that the only real right is what the state calls, and for this used propaganda posters , mass media communication , you educate the children within this system, etc.
is a government that, by invoking the interest groups, management exercises regardless of constitutional laws of a country does not represent the general will not allow any opposition or to their political control.
It differs from the totalitarian regimes of government because the dictatorship
not have an elaborate ideology
not seek the support of the masses
not attempt to change society
government is called "de facto" (in fact) as opposed to government "de jure" (legal). In general a de facto government is instituted by a military coup and held on as long as the armed forces to defend and enforce it. not respect the rights of persons and gives freedom : everyone should do what they are allowed, and nothing else. Not preclude a group (political, ethnic, economic, etc) in particular, but automatically suppresses all opposition. Stratum
Article taken from the web /
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ourworld Gem Coupons For January
other hand legitimate, as it affects businesses and families that they live and running as intended by the City Council close their doors or have to go somewhere else with all that that entails.
But these days, I'm seeing things that others just do not realize, seeing the latest video blog de Segur , I saw clearly what happens. It is nothing already have begun the election campaign, and the old dinosaurs of Segur, with the support of "people" who claims to be concerns about safety (and note that rumors that are on the list of those old dinosaurs) help win votes in elections lost above.
Beware those who today make you scream, because tomorrow may make you mourn. Follow
advice, possible solutions to bring claims, that you can win something, shouts and whistles do not work today just sealed valid papers and strength.
this mess is only good for taking votes lost because ....... the time the paint bald.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Position Of Cervix When About To Menstruate
far we expected or sensed that something could happen at once, which was not expected to be ordered out to riot and UPAS equipped as above who delivered firewood to expressing NOT the POUM, an action that did people even booed the Mayor Jordi Sanchez, he stepping in and pulling it over the UPAS the room, dropping veiled threat of eviction, and the atmosphere calming, very thin through the performance of UPAS to continue with the presentation.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Yugioh Beatdown Deck 2010
Other gems of the heritage we have and nobody has given due importance. It is the medieval village of Montpaó. The first news of the