Looking through the website of the Government I found a section of Heritage of Catalonia and what was my surprise to see that
Not so now

For more than a decade, Laura C. Schlessinger (medical, psychologist and author of bestsellers and counselor family) means that in California one of the Talk show more ears in America. Twelve million people hear through 300 radio stations and he made inquiries she answered. Is interviewed regularly in major newspapers and television and has received all the imaginable awards. One of his ten books is entitled "The Ten Commandments , the meaning of the law of God in everyday life ." In one of its programs said homosexuality could not be spoiled , based on the verse in Leviticus 18:22 : "Thou shalt not lie with a male or female, is abomination." The
attached below is an open letter to Dr. Schlessinger by a resident in the United States. Not wasted.
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people in the law of God. I have learned a lot from his radio show and try to share my knowledge with all people that I can. For example, when someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, I simply remind them that Leviticus, in verses 18:22 clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination. Endpoint.
Anyway, I need some advice from you regarding some other biblical laws in particular and how to fulfill:
1. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as indicated by the Exodus 21:7 . In the times we live, what price you think would be most appropriate?
2. The Leviticus 25:44 states that I can own slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans but not Canadians. Can you clarify this point? Why I can not own Canadians?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness ( Lev 15:19-24). The problem I faced is: how I can know if they are or not? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
4. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. The Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should receive the death penalty. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? Could I make do you explain this somehow?
5. In Leviticus 21:20 , states that one can not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 100%? Can relax a bit this condition?
6. Most of my friends (men) wear their hair trimmed, including the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by the Levitical , 19:27 . How should they die?
7. I thank the Leviticus 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean. Even so, I can still play football if I wear gloves?
8. My uncle has a farm. He violates Leviticus says in 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, and so does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton and polyester). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary to conduct the cumbersome process of gathering all the villagers to stone them? ( Lev 24:10-16). Can not we just burn them to death at a private family, as is done with people who sleep with their in-laws? ( Lev. 20:14).
I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thanks again for reminding us that the word of God is eternal and unchanging.
sure even the Madrid (or most Extremadura) has been hand-to-head to see the image. Have thought that I've gone crazy, I definitely lost my mind. How I can have done something? Relax, it's just a joke now understand.
The ERC Youth of the Girona region have begun a new campaign [pdf] nicknamed "Protect yourself from Spain" . The regional federation has presented the image initiative a package of snuff with a warning - "Spain pocket and seriously harms the life of the Catalans' .
This type of provocation (there are the 2 sides, scores after one week) hurt a lot (I personally do not like to be compared to cancer) ... and made with the intention of planting the seed of hatred among us. Be ready ... and not get carried away by anger. The catalanofobia and españalofobia is an invention of politicians, that after all the only ones benefit from conflict. Only fools say "yes" to all that their masters tell them ... Be critical of everything, but especially with the party vote. Try to put themselves in the shoes of the other . What is wrong, wrong, and it does not hide behind that of "is that they also do" . That same year in favor of the statute could have done well without hurting anyone ... and say it is not going to make less catalan.
Hi folks!
This is us out of hand, we can summarize the news in:
- 3 boats have arrived with 500 immigrants to the islands.
- have come to steal a 5 houses or homes.
far we go?.
Then I will say that the Eastern countries (such as that come on the air 3, or if you can get it tonight at home with 4 guns to rob you, and remember that they have nothing to lose ...).
We'll have to sleep with a shotgun beside the bed? Go
gun disguised to avoid express kidnappings?
not know about you, but I took some time quemadisimo to these issues and seeing that nothing is done.
And now that leaves me one saying I'm a racist, I know. This mob
them alight.
opinareis do not know you, but for me the situation is uncontrollable. Greetings
and some of the answers in the thread (mostly in the same line):
Although it hurts to admit this is what goes through the minds of many españolitos today. Or was I the only one who has heard in committee petit , Views similar contempt?. And you what-really-think of immigration? is it a problem? What if it is ... how to fix? Do they have prejudices? Would you live in a neighborhood crowded with immigrants? Is the "alleged" growing immigration-related crime?
According to Islam eat and drink in gold and silver dishes is prohibited. No matter the reasons.
Is it permissible to shake hands with a girl?
is not allowed.
How much of a man (not her husband) can a woman look? Can you look at your chest?
A woman can not look at the body of a strange man, is prohibited if it does so in lust, as if there is a possibility of falling into sin. Even without these possibilities (lust and sin) is not permitted as a precautionary measure, unless they are parts that are not usually covered, like her hands, ankles, and hands (only could look without lust, and if there is no possibility of sin).
If my wife wants me to masturbate in front of it, is it possible?
You can not do it with your hand, but she does.
What does Islam say about masturbation? If a man does, what deserves punishment, and how to obtain forgiveness?
He has committed a prohibited act. Repentance is sufficient to obtain forgiveness.
When I'm not married, I can masturbate?
Masturbation is not permitted under any circumstances.
Can Muslims listen to music?
that music is prohibited with intent to entertain and amuse.
Can a Muslim marry her cousin / a?
Yes, you can marry.
What is an orgy?
is prohibited.
Is suicide allowed in Islam?
is not allowed, under any circumstances.
would like to know that sea animals are permissible and which not.
Of all the sea animals are only allowed those with scales, the rest are banned, except the prawns.
Is oral sex allowed women and men?
is permitted provided that no liquid in the mouth.
Can husband and wife having sex while they look in a mirror?
is permitted.
Can we shake hands with a non-Muslim woman?
A Muslim man can not squeeze his hand with a woman unless there is a barrier such as gloves, unless to do so might entail a substantial damage, or inevitable.
Do you allow tattoos?
The tattoos are allowed in any case.
A Muslim walks into a cafe and sits at a table drinking tea. Then a stranger comes and sits on the same table and drink wine. Should the Muslim stop drinking tea and go?
Yes, would be required to leave that table.
Can a Muslim work in a restaurant where alcohol is served to customers?
is not allowed.
When a woman is the rule, is allowed to have anal sex?
is allowed with his consent. Is permitted but is an extremely horrible act.
Can a Muslim have anal sex?
This act is not prohibited, but is best avoided. There is no objection that a couple get pleasure from any other body part. But it should be noted that some actions are contrary to human dignity.
When does "Zina" (premarital or extramarital sex)? Zina
not happen until there is no penetration.
If a Muslim woman is raped (out of wedlock, by a stranger), allowed abortion?
No, she can not except that you may cause insufferable problem or difficulty. For example, if she could being murdered by their families if they discovered her pregnancy, then she would have if allowed.
Can autopsy dead a Muslim?
is not permitted for educational or other causes. Only allowed if the life of a Muslim depends on it.
Many European companies discriminate against people with beards. "I can shave my beard to get a job?
Shaving the beard, which is banned as a precaution is not allowed in that case.
Must I have a full beard?
is prohibited to shave the beard, or just left knob.
"plastic surgery is allowed in Islam?
Can I donate blood?
is permitted.
Can you use white magic if used for good, and being the opposite of black magic, which is used by evil people?
The magic in all its forms and classes is forbidden. [Even use it to undo a spell] unless the matter contribution of great benefit, saving the life of a respectable person.
What do you think of doing business with companies or individuals who are hostile to Islam and Muslims? Should we buy sus productos sabiendo que -directa o indirectamente- ayudan a la opresión de los musulmanes?
No está permitido en ese caso.
¿Está permitido el coitus interruptus en una relación sexual?
Está permitido.
¿Llevar un pantalón y una camiseta en que etapa está permitido? ¿y tapándome correctamente cuando salgo fuera?
Para una mujer no está permitido ir fuera de su casa llevando ropas que muestren su cuerpo a extraños.
¿Puedo usar software pirateado?
Si otra persona lo ha pirateado puedes usarlo, pero no puedes copiarlo.
Can men and women work together in a company?
If there is no possibility of sin is not allowed.
Is it permissible to play chess?
is totally illegal.
Why are forbidden to play chess?
is not allowed because it involves debauchery and gambling. Many imams have banned it. Furthermore, we do not know the reasons for the prohibition of an act. Moreover, we do not know the reason behind the prohibition of an act, we are bound to absolute obedience. There is a reason for it, but if not know does not mean that we should not comply.
What do you think of cloning animals?
No objection.
Can you have an orgy?
is prohibited.
I wonder if it is allowed to go to a party with girls and boys. The girls may not be dressed appropriately, but no drinks. Address
such meetings is not allowed as obligatory precaution.
I wonder about friendship with women.
have friendship with them is not allowed. For such friendship is not immune to sin.
Is it forbidden to play cricket? And watching sports on TV?
No objection.