Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ward's Ap Biology Lab 4

History Photographs made 10 amazing scientific facts that possibly were unaware

1. Chickens can hypnotize

A chicken can be hypnotized (or make it go into a trance) just holding his head on the floor, while repeatedly drawn with a stick or finger lines on earth, from its peak in a straight line outwards. If successful

hypnotize a chicken in this way, the animal remains perfectly still for up to 30 minutes with his eyes on the line.

2. You can get an erection and died

A post mortem erection (also known in English as "angel lust") occurs when the individual dies vertically or tummy, and the body remains in that position. In life, the heart pumps blood, which is distributed evenly among all the blood vessels of the human body. Once the mechanism fails to operate only the force of gravity acting on the blood. As with any other inert mass, blood rearranges the lowest point of the body, causing edema and swelling beyond where it accumulates.

3. Your hand can have its own life

The alien hand syndrome or alien hand syndrome (as seen in films like " How I, flew to Moscow " or " The Idle Hands") is a disorder mental rare in which one of the hands of the sufferer seems to take their own life. The syndrome is most common in cases of which have had a separation surgery of cerebral hemispheres, a process used at times to ease the symptoms of extreme cases of epilepsy. Also occurs in some other cases of brain surgery, strokes or brain infections.

4. Laugh too much could kill

Hilarity fatal death is caused as a result of laughter. In the third century BC Greek philosopher Chrysippus died Suns because of the attack provoked laughter after seeing a donkey eating figs [¿?]. There are also recent cases well documented.

The March 24, 1975, Alex Mitchell, a British bricklayer 50 years, literally died laughing while watching an episode of The Goodies "(a comedy series for television). According to his wife, eyewitness, Mitchell could not stop laughing while watching a sketch the program, in which the protagonist, dressed in traditional Scottish skirt, used various bagpipes to defend himself from a psychopathic black pudding. After twenty minutes of continuous laughter Mitchell sofa collapsed and died of a cardiac collapse. Some time later his widow sent to "The Goodies" a letter thanking them for having made the last moments of life so pleasant Mitchell.

5. A weapon could make you gay

The U.S. Army studied manufacture a pump cause homosexuality in the enemy and thereby "undermine the morale and discipline" of troops. The idea was to launch chemical agents capable of altering the hormones and make the soldiers feel "irresistibly attracted to one another."

seems a joke, but the project was presented in all seriousness to the Pentagon in 1994, with an estimated budget of $ 7.4 million for development and mass production for six years of this weapon and others no less outlandish (eg the possibility of spraying your enemies with a substance that causes halitosis "serious and continuous" or a bad smell, to make "readily identifiable").

6. True, men can breastfeed

The phenomenon of male lactation in humans has become commonplace in recent years due to the use of drugs that stimulate the mammary glands males.

The male lactation is often caused by hormonal treatments given to men suffering from prostate cancer. It is also possible to induce both males and females through constant massage and suctions on the nipple, for long periods of time (months).

7. The "receptacles" (half tomato, half snuff) there

The "receptacles" was originally a fictional hybrid fruit that appeared in a 1999 episode of the Simpsons. The method used to create the "receptacles" in that space was fictitious.

But the "receptacles" became reality when, supposedly, was produced in 2003. Inspired by the Simpsons, Rob Baur, got grafted onto the roots of a snuff plant a tomato plant. It is theoretically possible because both plants come from the same family.

8. It's okay to have a third nipple

Supernumerary nipples (also known as a third nipple or polythelia) is the biological phenomenon by which mammals, including humans, come to have a nipple (not to mammary gland). Usually found in the mammary line that follows the nipples on the chest to the abdomen. If large, should be removed. They are usually small and are mistaken for warts.

singer, model and actor Mark Wahlberg has a third nipple on the left chest . In 2005 studied the possibility is removed, end up deciding to keep it.

9. You can die on the toilet

There are many cases of injury and death any, related to the toilets along history (plus many urban legends.)

In children, one of the most common causes of genital injury is when the toilet lid falls while using the toilet.

George II of Great Britain died in a toilet, due to a dissection of the aorta, October 25, 1760. According to Horace Walpore memories, King George "rose as usual at six, and his chocolate breakfast, all activities were invariably methodic. Fifteen minutes after the seven came in a small rudimentary toilet. His valet, while waiting for him, he heard a noise entering the king was dead on the floor. "

10. Eating boogers is healthy

mucofagia (literally eat the snot) is the ingestion of nasal mucus, snot, and other detritus obtained when blowing the nose.

Several investigations suggest that the mucofagia, and a natural activity, may even be healthy digestive system by exposing the bacteria accumulated in the mucus, thereby helping to strengthen the immune system.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Birthday Cakeskat Park

Tips to drive traffic to your blog

recently received many emails from people now starting his own blog, I ask for tips, tricks, or just my opinion about this whole scene. No lecturing me for a medium in which I have so little time, and still I have everything to learn, but who take the trouble to write gentle, I decided to correspond with this entry, which will try to answer one of the questions most insistently I am asked: "How do I know my blog?".

Preamble. Who cares?

This guide is especially useful for novice bloggers interested in discovering some secrets to drive traffic (visitors) to your blog . Ojo! is very important not to confuse the term "hits" with "readers" ... are very different things. As I say, these tips will help you a lot more people discover your blog soon ... but random visits to ensure that these end up becoming loyal readers is much more complicated (and is not the purpose of this guide , it would take me longer yet another article). As a guess the key to move from one state to another (which is what we aspire to in reality) falls primarily on the quality of your work ... so before you get to work with my advice and offer you should judge whether something really interesting . Otherwise you're wasting your time: As will be gone.

1. Comment on other blogs

Perhaps the most obvious, popular and effective (initially) to make yourself known is to be an active commenter on other blogs. Which ones? If our goal hearing is to win because then nothing better than going to the most readers have (and how many more the better). There are many rankings that will help you know where to start. But beware! I say "comment", not a spammer . That is, give your opinion when you really have something to contribute, not just to say "I think the same" or shamelessly promote your blog. If you first visit because people will be interested in knowing more about the person who writes such interesting views (or fun) but if you do the second one will only earn a bad reputation ... and probably will never take you seriously as a blogger.

2. Interact with other bloggers

Establish close links with other bloggers is, for all, extremely beneficial, and it is in many areas ... also for which concerns us here. If we can establish such a union with others, plus a friend will win (as long as our work is worth) to a loyal reader, that sooner or later end citándonos in some articles, or even add in your blogroll . This will get that little by little, the audience becomes ours as well.

How and with whom you interact? Try

directly with the "big" does not usually give results ... Those responsible for these blogs so popular because of the large number of "commentators" who have (and lack of time), is likely to not notice of your existence. However if you leave your feedback (comments) in blogs more "modest" (or those who are just starting), it is almost certain that the perpetrators if they spend some of their time to visit . In your first participation one of these journals (in addition to providing a helpful comment) can be useful to invite the author directly to view your space . If you like what you see you can be sure to repeat. Thereafter, while continuing to comment, you can use other "technical approach", how to put them on your blogroll (if you really care), add as a contact in your instant messaging program (and chat about anything ) contact them by email to send you some useful information (which can be used to write or complete a paper), to send you suggestions for improvements or take advantage of every opportunity (as a gathering of bloggers-the famous Blogs & Beers-) to meet you in person.

3. Be generous with quote

Revealing what your source (or in whom you have been inspired) by writing an article (or recommend interesting or related readings), as well as give good reputation and be the morally right thing, you can serve as a weapon to win visits. By linking to other blog entry is often automatically generate a trackback to that site (but so do it manually.) Trackbacks The , which are nothing more than warning messages as a comment in the linked article, are perfect for our task for several reasons: [1] Although usually occur in the area of \u200b\u200bopinions, attract attention people who know is a new point of view or expanded information than just read. A lot of them will bite curiosity. [2] The authors of the entries that cites (to a lesser extent with the "Great") also pay more attention to the comments trackbacks . Furthermore (and even if such a signal is generated) bitacoreros most used tools to discover who has cited his articles , making it almost certain that you identified and visited.

As you can see to automatically obtain the benefits include enhanced-point-one and two of this guide , while we add content to our blog. a masterstroke that should not be missed by the fear of losing readers (if your work is good never will, and if not you can not do anything to avoid the loss).

4. Contact with the "Great" when the time

Although most famous bloggers are actually (for those who know) people very close and accessible (and normal complement), we must understand that, day after day, they receive dozens of emails ( of all kinds) from their readers (and not have all the time in the world to serve them as they deserve). It is very probable that even though it read each and every one of the emails they receive, but only in passing, so if they "annoying" just to say "visit my blog" certainly be left for later and were forget. It is therefore important get in touch with them-just do not abuse this system or rush- when you've written something really good (and do well only those who can treat the topic of interest , and you know who are not readers and your blog or no miserable look like a spammer ). leave them a small snack in summary in the email ... if they like what they will read your blog. With luck you may use by writing on his blog and you cite (which I would flood of visits), but even this does not happen initially, if they see that your blog-overall-worth will add to their daily readings ... and sooner or later long-awaited moment will come early.

5. Actively participates in the blogosphere

opportunities are great for letting you know, for example, memes games (you can be yourself who start one, and its success will be proportional to the ingenuity and novelty that is). As you know it's ideas (for example, "Take a picture of your desk") that are passed from blogger to blogger, with the consequent appointment of one another. Choose wisely because the witness who spend (not aim too high, because popular blogs do not usually participate ). Pass bloggers you know like to play this kind of thing, and that still do not know you (you can mail us that they pass the meme). Other alternatives are, for example, participate in the Festival of Blogs , or designing a theme or plugin and make it available to all (people tend to echo this kind of thing).

6. Submit your blog to blog directories

Believe it or not there are always people browsing the numerous existing blog directories. Therefore takes this circumstance and submit your URL to everyone I meet, especially those who are in your country or language-. These directories usually have also has listings of the latest blog updates (always with many curious for new items), so make sure by publishing a new post, that you appear . You will need notify them manually (each board has an address where you do) or automatically (by setting your publishing tool for this, or using sites that handle it for you). Extensa

7. Promote Your elsewhere

Why be limited to advertising only in the blogosphere? There forums, for example, that are as popular as the most popular blogs . If you participate in them (always do with ethics) can set your signature so that it displayed the address of your blog . The same can be done with your email accounts (think for example in chain mails without being forwarded to each other ... without meaning to your URL will reach more people than you imagine.) IRC channels (or chat) can also be useful for our purposes.

And why not also advertise in the Real World ? Talk about your blog with your friends , classmates / office ... I'm sure any of you is interesting and in turn it says to others, which in turn will tell others, creating a chain effect. Other forms could be more eccentric print the address of your blog on your business cards , or why not?, screenprinted on a shirt . There are hundreds of ideas, the limit is your imagination.

8. Note to search engines

Although initially receive very few visitors from Google (and other search engines), over the months watch your blog , completely natural, is receiving increasing and more traffic from this type . As in any other case, these visits may become readers, for which must be taken into account, and optimize their arrival .

Very good info on how to get specialized pages ... that would take whole days to read and assimilate. Actually, for our purposes, it is necessary to work so hard, we simply acquiring basic . Positioning is something you earn slowly as you receive links to your blog (backlinks ). But remember that forcing such links may result in fictional form a penalty.

The basic tips are: [1] Try to register your URL in a few search engines and directories . [2] Use descriptive titles for your posts (search engines give more weight to appear when the search string). [3] Help Google to index all your pages blog (since you crawled more regularly) sending them a map of your blog ( SiteMap ). [4] If you exchange links reciprocal make sure it's someone from and to, websites "real" and trustworthy.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I Love Pokemon In Mandarin


long time ago that I'm here. I do not know if this place is really a figment of my imagination or worse, is real. I tried to think through my situation, but how much looking for answers, more questions found. Waiting

. Looking

horizon. Empty. No sign of the coming, but I knew that at some time would come. Was always at least one I thought. It was timely, not our way, never was, but never really cared. He fulfilled his role to perfection, that was what I was afraid and what really puzzled me.

Cold burned my face, the solitude around me was a more tragic situation. I started thinking. Something not-so-rare in these situations. The images were mixed, armed puzzle with things of the past was impossible. Torture. Necessary torture by the way, one can not cope with these situations without your faithful friend memory.

He still did not come. I really did not matter because at that time, did not care if he came or not. When the hopelessness is stronger than logic and all that third world and nothing matters. At these times, when one is fully paid is when he appears. He is an expert.

the distance is about slowly, but deadly. You try to find the right words but know that when you have face to face no word in the world is useful.

He stopped in front of me, how should attend to my call. Powerful and skilled, welcomed me, as opening a door. I climbed the stairs that gave me with some suspicion, that's when I see it completely. There were people like me, but it seemed that none saw the other as blind or they realized that there was someone around.

suddenly knew what to do, I could not stay silent, not now, should deal with it. I ordered the words previously thought. In vain. Just say I got more subtle, more routine, more deadly:

-90, teacher.
There was an interminable silence.
- How far do you kid?

long time ago that I'm here. Waiting.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

One Piece Cool Wallpaper

A day in the life

Today I walked past a newsstand and saw the top of page 12 which said that the situation was stable, the opposition is hopeful and the conflict became normal. And I thought this was obvious, since the present government had always managed without any problems and was not involved in any case of corruption, violence and abuse to freedom of expression.
After I get home, turn on the TV and I see that Channel 9 (better known as "channel Hadad") Chiche "Mevistocomoelorto" Gelblung was going through a sort of biography of Alfredo "Yuyito" De Angeli (s) by making it a leader and representative of the people and ousted the incumbent government. This seemed odd coming from such good people as Hadad, Longobardi & Co. Gelblung. He is also obvious that the field represents the people, as are Grobocopatel, Reutemann and other small soy producers who struggle for social equality and never supported any coup or illegally enriched themselves or together with a shovel for a couple of years. Ezequiel
After I pass an image Olé where Roger put FedEx as the reigning Uinbledón. Then I think maybe D'Elia is right and Clarín lie, but that is not possible because it makes independent journalism 60 years ago and never sold rotten meat. In addition, the director / owner / capomafia, the respectable Lady of Noble, had nothing to do with expropriation of children during the dictatorship. Not at all. Then I put

Channel 7 and was Badia. And the program was good, had some guys who played the bass drum.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Throat Infection Low Temperature

Any idiot has a blog - The Return

At some point we had to return. A short textit.
can be read in three different ways, at Rayuela say: "The conventional
reading the story from beginning to end without any special features.
"The second option is to read only the sentences highlighted in bold.
"The third and final (and no less important) is to read only the sub-story consists of the sentences as usual (without bold or anything).
The last sentence, it is common to all three stories.

A man walks down a dark street. knows he is alone. The road seems endless . Man thinks. Looks in its memory. images come to mind. distant memory, so distant that seem unreal. begins to run. The images are becoming stronger. does not figure out how it got there. Was he alive? Was he dead? The street is getting narrower. It's so thin he can barely walk. Perhaps we would be going crazy? The thoughts overwhelm him. Need to escape from that state. At the end of the road appears a door. Opens. Suddenly a blinding light reveals amazing. before your eyes get a room with a mirror in the center. Look in the mirror and sees a man just like him. He sees himself.

But is not it.