Sunday, October 3, 2004
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Friday, August 20, 2004
Gay Portland Oregon Cruising
The Chilean SE does not get drunk ... PRIEST IS IS RAJA boot or
El Chileno no friends ... HAVE YOKE
The Chilean people do not know ... pure knowledge GUEONES
El Chileno no joke ... TAKE PAL 'HUEVEO
El Chileno no love. SE .. EMPOTA
El Chileno no depression ... They blame
El Chileno no talk ... PURO HUEVEA
The Chilean does not make love ... culé, STRIP, sent a cache POLVITO, ETC ...
El Chileno not bother ... IS Ladilla
El Chileno not dance ... BUT IS
The Chilean is not going to a party ... YOU ARE A REEL
El Chileno not a drink ... TAKE AN IMPORTANT
El Chileno no liquor outlet ... TAKE Piscola
El Chileno not take Ron ... MAKING WINE
El Chileno no annoying ... SE EMPUTECE
El Chileno no hits you ... YOU DO OR SACA LA MIERDA CHUCHO
The Chilean never fails ... LA CAGA flojea
El Chileno no SACA BACK ...
El Chileno no runs ... SALE TIGHT CACHET
El Chileno no hurry ... SALE shitting out
The Chilean is not difficult ... IS COMPLICAO '
The Chilean is not annoying ... IS FAN-GUIDE
The Chilean is a cheerful ... IS THE Chilean
RAJA not walk ... A RALLY STICKS
El Chileno no challenges you ... TE ECHA LA FOCA
El Chileno no rebuked ... TE ECHA LA CHORI
El Chileno no Jote
The conquest ... Chile is a good guy ... IS A BACAN!
The Chilean is not believed ... SE CREE LA RAJA
El Chileno not angry ... SE PIANTA
The Chilean is not funny ... IT Cuatic
The Chilean makes no funny business ... IS MAFIOCA
The Chilean bourgeois ... Is not CUIC
The Chilean is not Village ... IS FLAiTE
El Chileno not Volao ... SHUP LOCO ASHI ESH
El Chileno no walks on the curb or the edge of the street ... I'll see WAY '
El Chileno not walk or drive WALK IN AUTO car ...
El Chileno not eat bananas ... BANANAS COME
El Chileno not eat chewing gum ... GUM COME
El Chileno not as Hot Dog ... COME FULL
El Chileno not eat avocado. .. COME AVOCADO
El Chileno not eat peanuts ... COME PEANUT
El Chileno not eat burgers ... COME
MIERDONALS bifechorizo \u200b\u200bEl Chileno no come ... COME choripán
El Chileno not eat strawberries ... COME STRAWBERRIES
Chileno said no ... he says is far IS to hell!
El Chileno not say I was wrong ... it says I WAS LIKE THE PEAK!
El Chileno not say beware !!... KEEP says CULIAO!
The Chilean police say no!, La Ley! ... Says COCHETUMARE Los Pacos!
The Chilean says no batteries ... says BATTERIES
The Chilean says Hi but also says ... COOL? Contai WHAT? Como va?
The Chilean does not say so ugly and that ESA says and stuff !!...! And a sports
... many Chileans still say GOOOOL! But the vast majority
put you name and say
... GOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL CONCHETUMADRE !!!!!!! !!!!!! (No comments after what happened in Tacna)
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Sunday, July 18, 2004
How To Reduce Lordosis
- concert
- Brazil Freckles
- Britney evidence
- Bicycle race
- do not remember seeing this episode as a child Blonde
- Good digital images
- Amateur Amiga
More - Brazil , more
- DJ Miss
Tennis Exhibition -
- Many
- lola Carmen
- David gets His lollipop in the eye!
Total Thanks:
Truth, and someone here said, the minimum is goodbye if you go out of their normal work, but so far I have not because I have not made a decision on the future of this site.
way of justification I can say that the situation changed, the work is heavy (with this in the Google IPO ... ..) and unfortunately I can not take that wonderful broadband for my daily therapy which was to sail to gather all the "jewels" that appear every day on the net.
So, I am from my home to surf and wide band pseudo steals my time in exploring and me bored videos waiting to fall and therefore I can not check sites in the same way as before. On the other hand I question not put more effort to continue this blog.
transcendental That's my question for now because for me there are certainly feeling sick through even if it's cords and HTML code.
Well what I can tell. Stole the words Gustavo Cerati and give "total due" to all the loyal visitors of this website, and especially good friends (real and online) that were in here.
wanted to comment that, in principle, the motto of this site was "Community and Information "and then I changed it though, these expressions of support show that the first such term is largely accomplished since even a small scale, it was a community rather than faithful.
wanted to take this post to send greetings to Mr. Bendamin, GBJ, Rak (more polished every day its humor), mr. Attu (blogosphere icon) mr. Nikilauda , mr Ungancho , Xavi , Vic (value just met), Indalo, Luis, Igor, Alvaro (a Chilean in Venezuela), Ramon, Bedouin Jago, Zurf, Manuel, and many more that I left in the inkwell.
The intention of this was that it still did not clear the future of Mundane, but clearly this seems like a farewell. But since I'm half schizoid until I thought it would be good for the site again with a new image. Let's see what time tells.
The following is just a mirage built: Sex
Friday, June 18, 2004
What Size Shoes Does Mary J Blige Wear
- An act of redress and infinite creativity I decided to give a Gmail account to a reader of this blog almost exclusively. On Sunday I'll see that is woven into the comments of this post and it touches you touches.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Catering Cost Louisville
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Welcome Back Ideas For Sororities
- The question today is: Will it be done in 15 minutes the same as what they once devoted a couple of hours without losing quality?
- As I answer I leave a few links after more than a week without appearing .... because life changes ...
- sueñana For those having a Gmail account, the signs indicate that soon there will apparently for everyone. At least the invitations multiply
- Here you can read diariamiente God, because if we can all blog, too. Dual Airbag
- Rear
- The proof that the famous wave not only done in the stadium
- + lolas
- Rak proposed obviously pictures of girls
- most unusual Blogs
- Items strangest Amazon
Friday, June 4, 2004
Sample Letter For Telephone Disconnection
- For
- friends of my country, I wanted to recommend the site for classified ads economico.cl , which is free of charge. Good surprise George, send mail. And as we
- national wave, also wanted to invite you to give a tour of the project elmercuriomiente.cl channel digital university. Especially recommend special the best of Plan Z . I'll stick with that big stupid called "Friends."
Holden Headrest Dvd Player
- Professor Lovelock thinks the Earth attempts to restore its equilibrium can eliminate most of humanity
- Laws idiots of the world is
- assumed here can get a mail 2 Gb In any case, only received 10,000 registrations a week and already took a clean sweep of this, so test on Monday.
- recipes Don Elias to stop Ronaldo
Thursday, June 3, 2004
Redwood Road Preschool
- In this photo supposed to get an alien walking in one of the most emblematic places in Santiago: Forestal Park. It seems to me rather cartoonish.
- Well following on uflogica wave, here's something about the mythical island Friendship
- Angelina courtesy of Rak
Critina - Aguilera and Britney Spears has a lot to learn yet. If not preguentenle the Croatian pop star Severina Vuckovic causing a stir with this permformance.
- many beautiful girls as Annelies site offers this
- The same old
- "When I thought that guy ...." Women
- internet
- favorite images to create
Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Calcolation Date Eggs Retrivial
- A Bush gives back the umbrella (explaining that in my country that's not very honorable)
- Open Letter from a Gmail user to Democratic Senator Liz Figueroa
- Something about the unknown "global dimming" Youma
- Lindas gums
Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Broken Skin Under Breasts Running
- channel of all Chileans want to charge fees restaurants to transmit the matches of the selection. I think in the future we are going to make coins up to smile. Still, today we celebrate to pure red wine.
- An article to consider when talking about the respect for privacy on the Internet. And of course do not forget that Yahoo claims the right to "... play, store, edit, modify, publish, incorporate in data bases, publicly display, transmit, display, distribute, perform or otherwise, commercially exploit " content generated by users, according to reminds us nkieto in a post on the subject that takes escolar.net
- Fiesta privada in da house (lento, lento)
- flashlevel.com
- Puedes colaborar con esta encuesta para ayudar a conocer más cómo es el mundo de los blogeros
- Trailer de "Super sizeme" , el documental sobre Mc'Donalds prohibió MTV
- kazaa_girls
- Un vez mas, la laboriosa Rana Rene
Monday, May 31, 2004
Lump On Gum Not Hurting
............ WORLD
- Si no has logrado obtener aun tu cuenta Gmail, entonces prueba con Jemeil
- suggestion of mr. Nikilauda and referring to the black hand U.S. in the 1973 coup in Chile the other day I looked for information about a gentleman named Robinson Rojas and found this site that gathers many historical documents on Unidad Popular. For example, there are speeches like the one with which opened gave Allende the Chilean road to socialism
- A sex scandal in the Capitol moved weblog
- Something about serendipity or "condition of discovery that takes place through a combination of accident and sagacity. " Something about this
- large nuclear research call
- Sofia Vergara Videos: entertainer of the year and Supergirl
Friday, May 28, 2004
Reception Hall Decorating Ideas
- Undoubtedly, Bolivians should not be too proud of their representative to the Miss Universe contest : "People of Peace is poor, short and india (...) we are tall, white people and we know English"
- A Danish company offers its workers pornography as a work incentive
- The great little story of Google
- Allende, Kissinger and Nixon drunk
Thursday, May 27, 2004
How Long Does Alprazolam Work For?
of bloggers and MIRON
- wanted to thank the kind invitation to me mr. Zuirdj to attend this Friday at the first meeting of bloggers Chileans. The truth is that prior commitments I can not go. However, I hope from now on closer ties with some of my fellow nationals and that until now has had more feedback Mundane with friends from Mexico and Spain. Good luck and take pictures.
- On another level wanted to comment on legislation passed by the U.S. Senate Gmail against endangering the privacy . Aserrimo personally consider myself a defender of personal privacy, but such initiatives I confirm that, not only in my country, the legal profession often aims to achieve more media coup that put an end to the root of the problem. Or telling someone had listened to Senator Liz Figueroa .
is true that the current mail system includes avisaje Google based on words contained in emails sent, but then cross it off a kind of "Big Brother" shows that everything is a bit much for my taste .
In any case well, but if the story is about to end the spy, Mrs. Liz should target their darts now to end such acts committed from government offices and the unscrupulous infecting our PCs with spyware (something that is worrying Yahoo), which in any case ask for registration to begin to pry into the privacy of individuals.
Actually she should not only point to these practices, which also include the excessive proliferation of databases (you wondered how many companies know plenty of information from you) and annoying spam that appears without invitation, but all in some way should contribute, each in his way. For my part, I worry of contaminating databases every time one calls me my paginita data to access it. I have been at least 139 different people. Pity is not always possible.
No More Bloating In Stomach At 11weeks
- And all for a simple kiss
- Bonito, bonito: Lynndie England Official Fansite
- even more beautiful: costumes
- purepopart.com
- ghosttowngallery.com
- Mother is a single
- This is a CRIME!
- This is a link
- And this, a girl
- Musicplasma.com
- bugmenot.com is a site that provides you with passwords for sites that require a cumbersome subscription.
Physicals Signs Of Thrush
- Did you know Mr. surfer Most Internet journalists American newspapers are between 20 and 30 years and earn less than their colleagues paper. And change is not as easy as sending a resume to a web jobs
- If you like the test on this page is lot. I did one that tells you that coincides world leader and results were not very reliable: first Hitler went after Clinton, and finally the Che Guevara.
- What if it is reliable this experiment. Satisfaction guaranteed and I assure you that not one of those jokes.
- is not surprising that advertisers put back eyes internet. Just have to shop around to realize the endless possibilities of this medium. If you disagree, look at this experiment Nike
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
No Energy In My Hamsters
funny thing:
- Google always surprises. The issue is that you're in "similar pages" to Mundane the first site that appears is a pro-euthanasia web . Is it to worry? ..... Well heroes also appear as Attu, and onesweb thesmokinggun.com.
- this if it is a good coach
- It is the first meeting of Chilean bloggers def and shine by their absence. Certainly not to notice.
- However, I note with joy that the number of blogs is more decent Chilean few months ago
- Body painting
- This should be more virtual girl I have seen real
- you know that Bush is lord.com
- And did you know that John Kerry has hija.com
- This very good commercial Nike Brazil vs Portugal
- Church is worried the new 'sins cyber'
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
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